Just Text

HTML is often called “markup.” It is used to add structure and organization to what would otherwise be just a gigantic stream of words. In this first challenge you will use HTML to “mark up” some text so it comes out in an organized way.


Make a page of html that includes two sizes of headings, paragraphs and italics.

Also include comments


Example on codepen: https://codepen.io/joe_bacal/pen/MoEmVJ


You will need these tags:

<h1>, <h2>, <p>, <em>

Remember that an element usually needs a pair of tags.

The first tag marks the start of the element and the second one marks the end of the element. For example, this code:

<p>I thought <em>Spiderman</em> was a pretty good movie.</p

Gives us:

I thought Spiderman was a pretty good movie.

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