HTML & CSS Basics
Challenge Title | Skills/Concepts | Examples |
Just Text | Basic HTML text markup | pen |
A Little Link | Creating hyperlinks | pen |
Two kinds of lists | Rendering numbered and bulleted lists | pen |
My Favorite Foods | CSS selection by element type | pen |
Different divs | Selecting elements in CSS by class | pen |
Move the emoji | Applying box model to layout | pen |
Art Gallery | Images | pen |
Button Like | hover, radius, inline-block, hex codes | pen |
Animals Listing | Basic layout with floats + widths | pen |
Document Structure
Challenge Title | Skills/Concepts | Examples |
Menus are lists | Using lists, anchor links, hover state | pen |
Sensible structure | Structuring an HTML document | pen |
Places to tinker | Inspector, codepen fork | -- |
JavaScript Basics
These are now in their own "book" located here: https://bacalj.gitbooks.io/hcc-js-one/content/
Project Work
Deploy your website!