What happens when you visit a website?
We won't cover every detail, but we'll get the essential understandings for front-end development.
Do you "go" to a website?
Actually, the website "goes" to your browser.
It's made up of many files of many different types of files. When you request whatever is at a particular URL, the server allows your browser to download a bunch of files.
The browser takes all the files and uses them to build an instance of the website on your computer for you to click on and do stuff with. The three most important file types are html
, css
, and javascript
Why do we have different types of files?
Each file type has a certain job, and is written in a certain language.
Provides the overall strucutre or "bones" of the site. You can have a website that is just built with html.
Provides "style" such as colors, fonts, lines, shapes, and layout.
Provides interaction. If you click a button and something happens "automatically" right before your eyes - such as a message that pops up and says "Please don't forget to fill out your name" - chances are that was written in JavaScript.